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Swami Vivekananda on his reply to the address-of-welcome at Ramnad made a remarking call, “Let us all work hard, my brethren; this is no time for sleep. On our work depends the coming of the India of the future. She is there ready waiting. She is only sleeping. Arise and awake and see her seated here on her eternal throne, rejuvenated, more glorious than she ever was — this motherland of ours.”

The vision of the Swamiji was to make India sit on the throne of higher pedestal and to teach the whole world. He was well aware that though the nation has the potential to become a world-teacher, still she needs a greater strength and dynamism for her upward movement. Education, surely without any doubt, can give the real impetus to the driving force of the country. By proper educational frameworks, pedagogy, scientific outlook, and staunch observation of discipline the younger generation can be groomed for future India.

Inspired by the noble ideals of our great forerunners and chief architects of this nation, Ramakrishna Math, Ramanathapuram is resolved to bring forward an Educational Institution that can offer high quality education with all the available modern infrastructures, on par with any other standard premium Institutions of the country. More than academics, the Institution is committed to impart all the essential qualities; such as discipline, ethics, culture, and tradition, to make the children all rounded personalities.We are highly thankful to the encouraging words and auspicious blessings of the senior monks of the Ramakrishna order, in wishing this venture a fruitful one. We are equally encouraged by the continuous support of some of good hearted philanthropists and well-wishers, in up bringing this academia. Without their helping hands, this would have not been possible and achieved.

My best wishes to the management team, faculty, parents, and students for their enthusiasm and involvement. Hope, from this Institution, there will raise great leaders and citizens of future India!

In service of the Lord,
Swami Sutapananda